Friday 13 November 2009

Challenge 26

I know I say it every week but time certainly does fly - Santa will have been and gone and missed me completely at this rate! I think as I've got older my time management has flown off and left me high and dry as I seem to always be in a rush and nowt ever gets done. Hey ho, better start writing my wish list now!

I have to give a wee mench to the fabulous Dolly, our Guest Designer for November - what a fab tutorial she gave us last week, shame yours truly was so late posting it, if you missed it make sure you check it out here. Dolly will also be giving us her take on this week later, can't wait!

For Challenge 24 we asked  you to make a card for the guys using 3 brads and a stamp.  As always, great entries everyone but alas, there can only be 3 picked :(   and I have to say there really really were some amazing cards...(remember to follow the rules tho, some of you lost out because you forgot the brads!)...

Joint Runners Up goes to...Pinky and Peggy...great works girls please email me for your blinkies...
and... First Place goes to the fab creation from Magic Wanda who's won a Candy Doodles CD for her troubles, please email me Wanda!...

Now, don't forget you still have time to enter last week's challenge which is open until Sunday lunchtime for entries - you need to make some kind of Christmas Decoration using a stamp - and don't forget you can win a set of Rubber Stamps worth £14.99 so get those entries in!

Right! Our next challenge is to use the sketch below and use a Male theme. The Design Team have once again done us very proud with their interpretations of this sketch and given you lots of inspiration using the Not For Girls CD. Closing date is Sunday 22nd November at 12.00 GMT so remember you gotta be in it to win it!

So first we go to Dolly our fab Guest Designer for November...

Here Dolly's made a great Easel card, using one of my fave snowball papers from the CD and then made her own cute parcel just by cutting a parcel shape and using ribbons. I really like how she's used the stamps in the circles instead of actually adding an embellie where the shapes should be on the sketch, very inspired! She's then stamped the greeting and used that as the catch for the card to stand up and attached a wee brad...another fab idea Dolly!

Created by Kath...Kath's certainly made a winner here (oooohh how corny! lol!), she's picked the footie papers here but I really like the use of the newspaper and the mesh in the background...

created by Ruth...she always does something different and here Ruth's gone for a bit of a retro look, this image always makes me laugh and would suit anyone and any occasion I think...

Created by Saskia...fab choice of papers here and such a versatile card, great for someone older maybe...

Made by Boni...Boni has made a fab easel card as well this week, love this card it's so bright and breezy and I love how she's used the button as the catch here...

Made by Claire...the burger n chips rears it's sesame bun again, you are all LOVIN' this one so much! Here Claire has used the same diaper fold for the chip carton and I love the way she's used the same wordy paper in 2 colours - I've only just noticed the little promise button at the bottom - cool!...

Made by Kris...Wow! Kris has gone for something totally different here...still from the NFG CD, she's chosen this fab vintage paper and picked out the elements in a creative way...nice work Kris...

Created by Enfys...Here En has used the fab chevron papers from the CD and used the little alphies combined with her chipboard to make up the greeting. Great card...

Created by Lou...Wow, I LOVE this card! Here Lou has used one of my fave images, the music Stampie Topper and the star papers. The sentiment is one from her own stash and she's doodled and then stamped some extra stars onto the papers - I think this is just fantastic...

Made by Kerry...another stunner from Kerry this week...I'm so pleased Kerry found these papers on the CD as they're one of my faves...they actually look like textured cardstock and give a "Bazzill" finish, they're so effective you actually want to stroke them and then it's weird when they're all smooth to the touch! Kerry has used the papers with her die-cutting machine to make the leaves and then used Polkadoodles stamps for the message and the tiny leaves as a finishing touch...faberoo...

Ok, that's your lot for this week, as always leave your entries in the comments below the post and join us for next week's challenge! tttnw x


  1. Thanks so much for picking me as a runner-up, totally startled. I can't see your email anywhere, maybe its in shop, will look there. Thanks again.

  2. Opps just see one above me here lol.

  3. Wow , what a nice surprize !!!
    Thanks for picking me as a runner-up !!!!

    Peggy xx

  4. Wowzers....
    Thanks soooo much
    (I won) I think I am gonna faint !
    This challenge was a lot of fun.
    Thank you

  5. here's mine

    Great creations girls! Thanks for looking

  6. Great theme once again, my card is here thanks for looking!

  7. A great challenge this week. Here is the link to my entry:-


  8. Hi There,

    Mine can be found HERE

    Susie xx

  9. Hi everyone, great designs again this week, I had fun with this one lol
    Heres my card
    ju x

  10. Grrrr - cards for men are HARD! You can see mine here. Thanks, Nicki

  11. Hi Polkadoodles team, hope you are well! here is my entry

    Take care

    Sal xx


Team Doodle loves to see your comments so let us know what you are up to!