Friday 18 December 2009

Week 31 - Free Theme

It's Friday again so its another Polkadoodle Challenge! We are on the last challenge of 2009 - time has really flown since our first ever challenge was launched back in May!

Before I tell you the theme for Challenge 31, I need to announce the winners from Challenge 29 which was to make a scalloped edge card, split into 9 squares and to stamp in at least half of them (which is a challenge in itself!)

First Place: Teri
Second Place: Littleted62
Third Place: Ribenaruby

Congratulations to our winners! Please email Nikky for further details and your blinkies!

Onto this week's challenge! Nikky challenged her Design Team to use her brand new cd Back To Nature but we could make anything we wished! So your challenge (should you accept!) is to make anything you like! Please remember the rules when entering - they can be found on the sidebar.

The closing date for this challenge is 28 December at 12noon GMT and the first challenge of 2010 will be on 8 January when we will revert back to allowing just over a week to enter. To enter please leave a comment on this post with a direct link back to your blog post so the DT can visit you and spread a little Christmas cheer!

To find out more how each DT member made their creation please click on their names and as if by magic you will be transported there! All items have been made using Back to Nature cd.

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Boni has used the Shake A Tail Feather collection to create this wonderfully layered card featuring a peacock. The panels have been layered onto black card to make them stand out and with a slash of ribbon, this is one elegant card!

For Brenda's sample, she has used the Stackies Floral collection and layered them after resizing them to fit her requirements. The stems have been stamped using the Candy Doodles stamps (now this is such a good idea!) along with the sentiment.
Claire has made a wonderful Ruby Anniversary card for her Mum and Dad using the Heritage collection from the cd, flowers coloured with Copics and some pearls and gems added this card really is very special!
The shaped cards on Back to Nature are just so funny! Here Dolly has used the sheep to make a very funky First Birthday card. All the elements are on the cd and the animals can be made to have a front and rear.

Enfys has gone for a round card with some fab big bows! She's added the little girlie owl and cut out some of the tree stampies to add depth along with the alphies to spell out a sentiment.

This is Fliss' DT sample and just look at her creations! She has also used the Stackies Floral collection, enlarged the flowers and layered them. The box has been painted with acrylic paint and then stamped with the Candy Doodles stamps along with a matching border on the card.

For Kate's sample she has made a very cute step card with the lovely owls. The owls can be decoupaged and this is what she has done on her card.

Kerry has cleverly used the swinging girl image and added a branch so she's not floating! A little bit of doodling and the adding of funky flowers really adds to the card. The sentiment has been stamped with the Candy Doodles stamps.

Here Kris has used the very pretty and delicate peacocks to make her sample and the black and lime green borders really make the images pop! There are different elements to her card and she's used the toppers, papers and sentiment from the Back to Nature cd.

The animals are certainly popular with the DT this week! Nettie has used the pig and made an easel card. All the printed paper elements are from the cd including sentiment and flowers!

Now you may just have seen this card before as it appeared on Create and Craft with Nikky! Nikky has created this card using the shaped card section on the cd and this shows the horse has a front and rear and that the barn doors really do open!

For my sample I've made the spiral flowers, layered some of them up and added craft wire and wooden beads for added interest and texture. I made these as samples for Nikky's TV show too!

Remember, this challenge is open until 28 December at 12noon GMT and you have to be in it to win it! Please leave the DT a comment with a direct link back to your creation from your blog and good luck!

The winners of challenge 30 will be announced at 9am Christmas Day (just in case the family are driving you crackers and you need to get on the internet!) and the winners of this challenge will be announced with the first challenge of 2010!

On behalf of Nikky and the Polkadoodle Design Team, I'd like to wish you all a Very Happy Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!


  1. Nice challenge girls, I love those flowers, they are fab!

    here's my entry

    Have a great Christmas
    Anne x


  3. Great DT work! My card is here
    Lynsey x

  4. What cute cards....adorable images!!
    I am really liking the spiral flowers.....lovely colors!!

    Here’s my card.

  5. Stunning creations from the DT, such an inspiration! here is my card

    Love n hugs
    Vikki xx

  6. So so beautiful DT's work!
    and my card is here.
    Happy Holydays!

  7. Glad to participate in this challenge!

    Luv the DT's creations!

    Here's my creation!

  8. here's mine

    Love all the DT creations, thanks for looking at mine

  9. fabulous cards.
    and here's mine
    i really enjoy it this time.
    thx for looking :)

  10. Great cards everyone
    My card for challenge 31 - free theme can be found here

    Best wishes to all for christmas and New year

  11. lots of lovely inspiration from the dt here is my card thanks for looking

  12. my cd arrived yesterday and of course I had to have a play with it. My cards are here


  13. my card is here

    wishing you a Happy Christmas x

  14. Merry Christmas to all!
    Heres my entry.
    Keep warm everyone!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Loved all the examples! Check out my card at

  17. Thanks for the challenge. Great DT cards. Here is my card Marianne x

  18. Ohhhh The DT creations are stunning!! Many thanks for the challenge and
    Here is my entry!



  19. For me it's the first time I joined this challenge.
    But I really enjoyed to making these cards.

    Come to visit my blog here

    XXX Kim

  20. Hi girls, hope you dont mind, ive had another go :) heres my card

    Love n hugs
    Vikki xx

  21. my card is here

    wishing you a Happy Christmas x

  22. Thanks for the fun challenges throughout the year. Here's my entry.

  23. The last one- as I am going for short vacation
    Merry Christmas and Happy new year for all of you!!

  24. Fantastic DT creations.
    Here`s mine

    I wish you very Happy Christmas!!!
    Magda x

  25. Gorgeous DT creations, and lots of wonderful entries, mine is here thanks for looking!

  26. Hi! What fantastic inspiration the DT has provided .... so much diversity! My entry for #31 is right here!
    hugs from Australia,

  27. WOW, what gorgeous cards...such beautiful colors, papers, and details!! Here is my card:

  28. Here's mine:

  29. Hi!

    I made a second card for this great challenge! you can find it Here!



  30. I think that all of your cards and designs are great. I hope that I'm doing this correctly to enter my card. (How do you do a "here is my card" etc. and have your address, rather than actually post the address?)

    In the mean time, my card can be found here:


    dj1952 (Debra)

  31. Lovely cards from the DT!

    here's my card

    Merry Christmas to you all!

    Rose x

  32. Hello,

    I don't think I quite got the address for my card. So I'm trying again. Hope you enjoy my card.

    If this doesn't work, then I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.


    dj1952 (Debra)

  33. I'm adding you to my side bar and will be looking forward to participating in 2010. That CD looks like some good stuff, will be checking into that further. Happy New Year!!
    Here's my entry

  34. Hello,

    Great Talent here, was excited to play.
    My My card creation is here Thanks so much, Jane

  35. Hi everyone happy christmas here is my shadow box thanks for looking

  36. Hi there,

    Great inspiration team. My entry is here

    Hugs Ali x

  37. Anything goes- I made a Valentines Themed card:


  38. I'm not sure if more than one entry is allowed but here is a card made using the new Back to Nature CD which is wonderful and has great images for all sorts of occasions. You can see my card here

  39. Love your challenge!
    Great DT examples!
    Here is my entry. :)
    Check out my blog candy give-a-way while you are there! ;)
    Happy New Years to you all!
    "True :D"

  40. Here is my 2ND entry. :)
    Check out my blog candy give-a-way while you are there! ;)
    Happy New Years to you all!
    "True :D"

  41. So much fun!
    Here is my 3rd entry. :)
    Check out my blog candy give-a-way while you are there! ;)
    Happy New Years to you all!
    "True :D"

  42. Hope you all have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
    Here is my latest card...entry #4...LOL!. :)
    Check out my blog candy give-a-way while you are there! ;)
    "True :D"

  43. This challenge is now closed - it ended at 12noon GMT on 28 December and late entries will not be considered. Sorry!

  44. I know my entry wont be considered just wanted to show you what i made :) look forward to joining in in the new year xx

    here it is

  45. Fab DT creations - Happy New Year to you all
    Here's mine


Team Doodle loves to see your comments so let us know what you are up to!