Friday 11 December 2009

Exciting Week!!

Yayyy what an exciting week we've had here at Doodle Towers! First of all, I just want to say a mahoosive thanks to all of you that applied for the Design Team, as always we had squillions of entries and we all genuinely wish we could have you all but that would leave no-one to enter the challenges boo hoo. So huge hugs and thanks to all of you that emailed in, it was a tough job as always and if you didn't make it we hope you will apply next time up, we all really appreciate your support. There are some awesome blogs out there and in the New Year we will be having a regular monthly Guest Designer so you never know where I might turn up!  Anyway, so on with the important bit, I'm very proud to present our new fabulous teamies, some of whom you will know, some maybe not, but I'm sure you will welcome them all and will be amazed at their stunning work...(the cheek has started already you know, they're fitting in well, let me tell ya) we have...

Kate, Brenda, Nettie, Fliss and Dolly who was with us as Guest Designer in November. HUGE welcome to you all girls, I know everyone is going to love your creations from what I've seen so far...(if only they knew how hard they will be worked, mwwaaahahah).

So the other thing this week is we've been stacked out following last Thursday's show and the launch of the new CD Back To Nature, this one seems to be going down a storm, I knew you would all love the florals and  feathered friends on this one, must admit I do like it loads.  I also just need to tell you that if you struggle with your computer for the first time we have included an Autorun feature on this CD so it will automatically load and lead you through the pages, which are all in PDF format. So if you've bought our CD's before be prepared for a slightly different and hopefully easier experience with this one! So you will find that this week it's featured heavily as we want to show you the goodies.  I'm back on Create and Craft on Thurs 17th Dec at 11am again so I hope you can tune in, email in, will try and get you all in the cup of chance! Have to say Magic Hands was a bit of a lovely last week, young Tom, think they showed a quick shot of him if you caught it, LOL! Oops OH is reading this over my shoulder! 
I was also really chuffed to find out today that Simply Cards & Papercrafts Cardmaker of the year winner was spotted using PD stash, how flattering is that! Haven't had time to check it out yet but congrats to the winner, think it's on sale today - she obviously has impeccable taste, LOL!
Right let's get on with the winner of last time shall we... So week 28 challenge was to use 3 different papers and a rubber stamp and you had some fun with this one! I think this one was quite hard to judge, took me ages to vote and I left it to the girls in the end! 
3rd place... Aquarius............2nd place...Milnie.............and the winner this week is Pinky, well done! I really liked Pinky's card, really simple colour scheme with the red and white but it just goes to prove that sometimes simple really is best, I thought this was quite striking. So girls, email me please for blinkies etc!

Well, it's almost Crimbo! I found out this week that those of you in the US don't understand the word Crimbo! It's our nickname for Christmas, lol! Well, that's what Diana at Magnolia Stamps told me anyway, she thought I was off my rocker! (that means crackers, crazy, mental!), LOL. Ok I'm shutting up, getting delirious! Before I forget, make sure you do join us next week on the 18th as it's our last one for this year, I do have to give the Doodle Dollies SOME time off, but we will be back on Friday 8th Jan. (Just in time for a new CD launch again on Create & Craft 10th Jan, no Crimbo time off or turkey for me (what a lie, sure I will be able to ram some down my throat along with copious amounts of chocolate), work work work! Feel like an elf)...Anyway this week's challenge is a sketch with a difference...

No, you don't have to make an envelope! Well, you kind of do... You need to make a card which uses an envelope format, so you could decorate an envelope and make it into a card I suppose, or you could have an envelope on the front of your card, you get the idea...and it can be ANY shape and any theme, the sketch is just for ref. Closing date as always is a week on Sunday which I make 20th December at noon...and as a spesh Xmas prize the winner will get the brand new Back To Nature CD AND the Daisy Doodles stamp set which is worth a total of £30! Yayy!
I asked the girls to do the same but they were supposed to make a card for New Year's - some of them managed, some forgot! But I think we can let them all off, don't you!...We're a little thin on the ground this week with various crisis' going on with some of the designers but we still have lots of yummy inspiration for you and here ya go...

Created by Brenda...WOWSER! fab card from Brenda, LOVE that dark pink with the dots it's lovely! And a great sentiment too! Here she's used the Havin A Hoot collection from the new BTN CD and stamped the background with the daisy doodle stamps (so versatile)...fabulous!...

Created by Fliss...she asked if she could keep this one back as she forgot New Years but it's TOO lovely not to share! She's used the Shake A Tailfeather collection which is chocka full of Peacock tailfeathers and I LOVE this collection, it's that little notecard, soooo cute! "I was a little overwhelmed by the amount of stash on the BTN cd! I fell in love with the peacock collection as lilac and green are a favourite colour combo of mine and have gone for a mix and match look. Hope you like it."...errr YES we do Fliss!

Created by Kate...Great take on the challenge by Kate, fancy some of that champers!"I have used the jingle jangles cd and added a little gold foiling to it .I used my cricut to cut the bottle and i couldnt find an envelope style that i liked or that fitted the card, so i made it myself"...we love it Kate!

Created by Kris..."I used the paper and sheep from BtN, fashioned a little envelope and then computer-generated the sentiment and little strips for the envie. I'm sure we all "will" and won't" this time of year -hope you're more successful than I usually am!"...Love this card Kris, it's SO cute!

Made by Claire...Another stunner, they really are all awesome this week! Claire's made this fab party invite using Jingle Jangles, she loves those reindeer!..

Created by Ruth... I love this invitation it's so colourful..."And here is mine. And that is my house but not my number hehehehe!! Don't ask me how I folded the envelope - it just happened (drinking wine and not concentrating!) " What a shame, I was gonna start stalking her...

A second creation from Fliss, we couldnt leave this one out..."I'm having such fun with the cd that I decided to do another one anyway. Sorry about the pun but couldn't resist lol!"...why, thankyou very much Fliss!

Made by Boni...oops I missed this one, sorry Boni! I love this card it's so cheerful and the little envelope is very cute!...

And finally for this week we have Kerry who made this little wonder..."papers from Back to Nature plus a little glitter and some ribbon. Thought this would be fun. Hope you like my take on the challenge!"...we sure do Kerry!

So don't forget you have until 20th December noon at GMT to enter this one and it is a rather fab prize I have to say!


  1. Congratulations to the new DT-members!!! I'm looking forward to see their work!

    Sweet greetings,
    Saskia :)

  2. Great challenege, lovely DT work, here is my effort.
    Thanks for looking, sue.x

  3. Fabulous cards from the DT, you can find my entry

  4. Congrats to all the new teamies....Great Job...Krista

  5. here's mine

    Love the DT cards again! Thanks for all the challenges this year and a Happy Christmas to you all.

  6. Love the DT ideas, my entry is here Thankyou for looking and like to wish you all a very merry christmas and a happy start to the new year!

  7. But the big question is whos chocholate will you be eating, and how many peeps are going to be missing their pressies this year? LMAO

    Fab cards as always.



Team Doodle loves to see your comments so let us know what you are up to!