Thursday 27 June 2013

Altered Mirror Tutorial

Good Morning Fellow Crafters

Today it is my turn to do a tutorial for Polkadoodles.  I decided to do something different and went with altering a mirror using papers, embellishments and frame from the Picknix 1 Hybrid Digital Papercraft Collection.

Here is my tutorial, I hope you like it.

Mirror, backing papers from CD, lace, ribbon, buttons, charms, PVA Glue and Mod Podge

Covered the mirror with the backing paper and made a frame for the mirror using All Sewn Up items on the CD.

Next I added ribbon which I ruffled down the joins top and bottom.

I added a journalling tag and added text and then added lace along the bottom.

To finish off I have added buttons to the four corners of the frame, buttons down one side, scissor and sewing machine and a heart button.

I enjoyed making this and I hope you have a go at altering a mirror.

Happy Crafting
Linda xxx

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