Friday 20 November 2009

Challenge 27

Well bloggers, the cold weather has well and truly kicked in, together with the old swine flu. Yep yours truly has had it all week but thank goodness today I actually feel (relatively) normal again and thanks to everyone who helped me feel better in my hours of self-pity! Needless to say everything has been on hold for a week, so I am well and truly behind with the new CD and it will now be launched a week later on Thurs 4th Dec at 2pm on Ideal World. Methinks you will like. Me hopes anyway!

So on with the matters in hand! First of all, let's get this little thing out of the way...

So if you would like to be worked like a navvy week in week out for a miserly pittance sign up now! We are looking for a couple of new suckers sorry peeps so make sure you send me an email now! We will consider any age/gender/ability etc but please make sure you can commit to entering challenges at least every 2 weeks and can also help with samples for TV shows. New teamies will be announced beginning of December and the closing date is Fri 27th Nov at lunchtime.

Right, next on the and are all winners in my book...for challenge 25 you had to make Crimbo decorations, looks like some of you might have struggled with that one but thanks for the massive effort of those of you who entered...
The runners up are...Siobhan and Ribena Ruby...
and the winner of a fab set of Daisy Doodles stamps is, drum roll pleeeese....Cornish Mist! yayy! Well done to all of you, please email me for your stash and blinkies...

So, here we are on challenge 27 already, 2009 is flashing past my piggy eyes this year...So I asked the fab Dolly Doodlers to make cards using the Not For Girls CD this week. BUT they had to make a card which WASN'T for men. AND they had to use this here sketch too...

So for all of  you lovely challengees you need to use the Sketch and in keeping with the season I'm going to ask you use the colour theme BROWN as well. That's it! Entries have to be in by Sun 29th November at 12:00 GMT and the winner will receive a free CD for their troubles! I might even throw in some choccy coins as it's near to Crimbo! wahaaaay! So let's get on with the show...

Made by Lou...This is so creative! I love the way Lou has used the train background which couldnt be any LESS girly to make this fab Crimbo card..all aboard the santa express...just inspiring Lou! She's used several "plain" papers, layered the papers & then cut out some holly leaves & berries. The sentiment is made with rub ons.

Created by Krista...Krista's used the Tweets here and coloured one pink to make a lovely couple in love! hehehe sooo cute...

Made by Boni...I love this card, I'm so into nature images at the everything is from the Tweets collection on the CD, I just love it, could be for any occasion this one...

Created by Enfys...she always does it doesn't she? En can make the most beaut cards and this is one of them, just gorgeous...She's turned the sketch on it's head and used the stars and stripes papers. The flowers are from Cricut and she's used Glossy Accents to give them a glassy patent finish. A decoative punch border and lush ribbon finishes it off...

Made by Kerry...there seems to be a blue theme this week! Kerry has been very creative in her thinking here...the polka dot flowers have been cut from the "Bowls" papers, they are in fact, little bowls balls, but how well they work! She's also used the Not so plains which is a plain paper with a bazzill effect texture, we are all lovin' that one...

Made by Ruth...Ruth loves the Tweets with 'tude! Here she's used pencils to colour in the Tweet and added a charm. The backing paper is a brick effect which works really well...

Made by Sue...Here Sue's used the black and white stripes and one of the sentiment frames to make a really simple but elegant card, sometimes less is more...

Created by cute is this! Kris has used the Not-so-Plain Plains with the Tweets and coloured "her" with Prismas and OMS, fashioned her a crown, and computer-generated the sentiment. Just adorable, this so makes me chuckle!...

Made by Claire...the Tweets have deffo been popular this week! Here Claire has used several backing papers and layered them all up together, and has torn the main tree paper to show the sentiment behind, inking the torn edge in blue.  I just adore the stamped leaves around the edge which is from the Daisy Doodles stamp set and she's doodled some little swirls which look gorge.  She's finished the whole thing off with the little seed packet which is a template on the CD...

Made by Saskia...We're all really sad this week :( because this is Saskia's last week with us.  She's been with us from the start way back in May and she will be a sad loss to the team with her quirky ideas and inspiration but she has oodles of other stuff she has to do. She has promised to look in on us from time to time though and I'm secretly hoping we will entice her back in the future! 
Here she's used the vintage gardening papers to make this lovely card - can you believe she crochets those little flowers herself! A lovely card from a lovely lovely lady...

So, now onto our amazingly fabulous Guest Designer for this month, the uber talented Dolly.  All through November Dolly is taking the same challenges as the Design Team but she has to make a Christmas equivalent! (I think she liked this cos she is slowly amassing all her crimbo cards, lol!).

So here she is with another fabulous project for this week...

"Another simple one from me!  A christmas take on the sketch using Jingle Jangles CD and the christmas stamp set.  Used the snowball papers again but resized the sheet to A5 to get more snowballs on the card front, and the stitched paper saved me doing the stitching!  

I decoupaged the stamped tree to give a bit of dimension and added some gems!"

We love it Dolly!...

So that's it from us this week folks! 

Remember you can win a fab CD for this challenge so get creating now! Please remember to follow the rules properly and entries must be in by Sunday 29th November at 12:00 GMT.   Don't forget! You still have time for last minute entries to last week's challenge, entries don't close till this Sunday at 12:00, so make sure you get in on the action!
ttfn xx


  1. Thanks for the lovely time I've had with this great team!! We'll keep in touch!

    Sweet, sweet greetings,
    Saskia :)

  2. woweee thank you for choosing me as the winner this week I loved making the decoration all tho it was wait wait wait for glue to dry.

    will miss saskias wonderful creations and hope you will be able to entice her back in the near future nikki,

    well off to think about this next challenge ju x

  3. Wow - gorgeous DT cards and great sketch! I was just about to submit my card for the challenge but I've just realised I should have used brown!

  4. here's mine
    As always great DT creations, thanks for looking at mine

  5. Really great DT cards and all so different even with lots of tweets! I've decided to enter this for the first time and you can find my card at

  6. Hope it's ok I flipped the sketch and swaped the shape for an oval! It's still’s my entry

    DT creations are fab, brill idea to make girly things from a blokey collection


  7. Here is my CARD The brown is quite light on this one!

    Susie xx

  8. Thanks for another challenge, my entry is here Thanks for looking, DT inspiration is super!

  9. Great sketch & inspiration from Team Doodle :)

    My card is here


  10. Thanks again for my 2nd place last week.
    I just loved the sketch and colour theme this week, the DT have done a fab job as usual - great inspiration. Here's my card.

  11. Hi folks, great dt cards as always, loved this challenge....
    Heres mine
    ju x

  12. Hi to everyone.
    Here is my card for Challenge # 28.


Team Doodle loves to see your comments so let us know what you are up to!