Friday 30 October 2009

A spooktacular week of treats...

Yikes, I almost forgot to do the post, Ruth will be gunning for me - the first week I've posted for yonks and I'm back to my old slack self, so sorry Ruthie!!! haha!  I'm still out of synch after the clocks going back last weekend and for some reason all day I've been thinking it was Wednesday. Still, remembered last minute (actually gave my tongue freezer burn off my Cornetto because of the shock) so all is not lost! I'm in Halloween mode and have been carving my mini pumpkin today but it looks a bit forlorn all by itself, so am on a quest to get a bigger more impressive beast tomorrow! oooerrr Mrs!! LOL!  I made some Toffee Apples the other day - they were SOOO scrumptious - at least if we'd been able to eat them they would have been!! Unforch I didn't quite cook the toffee long enough and although it did harden it didn't get to that break-off crispy brittleness so all that happened was my teef literally got stuck together!! I thought I was gonna die from toffee asphyxiation! Honestly! I had a bunged up nose and I couldnt breathe through my mouth my molars were welded that tight!!! And we are both in need of a dentist at the moment so I didn't even let the other half near them! If I could've bared my teeth long enough to laugh I would've believe me, and I only had a piece about an inch big. I was gutted cos I'd used all the apples and was really lookign forward to them, hahahaha. They did taste lush I have to say! I daren't give it another go now though having wasted 8 apples and a whole pound of sugar! hmm maybe I should've taken them to the post office picket lines - one of those babies would soon send them all off to the dentist for a few  hours and long enough for our post to get through - maybe I will send the recipe to the Postmaster General!

So talking of Halloween, last week we challenged you all to make Halloween stuff and those of you who posted haven't let us down with your awesome creations, but you can still enter up to lunchtime on Sunday so if you've made any great Halloweeny stuff for the day itself you still have time to enter.

I need to announce the previous challenge winners which had to follow this sketch and the Top 3 Winners will receive a Polkadoodles Halloween Download Bundle - I'm sure you can make use of it just in time for the occasion girls!  We had some fantastic entries and the 3 Lucky winners are...

Ribena Ruby, CJ's Mom and Dolly

Well done girls, please email me for your lovely Downloads!

Right, onto the task at hand. Last week we knew every challenge blog in the world must have done Halloween, but PLEASE!! Some of you are entering 32 or more challenges with ONE card!! I MEAN?? Whassat all about???!!! 32!!!! I think someone even had 35, good on you for keeping track and actually typing them all out, personally I would have lost the will to live!
So as some of you are obviously finding it hard to keep to the rules, we have decided to increase the number of challenges you can enter up to 10

Ok, for the next challenge I'm going to ask you to make a MALE project! Oh no I hear you all cry! Oh yes! I LOVE doing men's stuff, maybe because green and blue are 2 of my fave colours.  As a tip for anyone who does struggle with stuff for guys - they always like strong colours! And don't feel you HAVE to put a fancy embellishment on, quite often a good man's card is really plain and simple.  So you need to make a MALE project and you have to use 3 brads. That's it! It can be anything and you can use anything you like! Easy! You have until Sunday 8th November at lunchtime (GMT) to enter so get your thinking caps on!

The Winner of this challenge will receive a free Candy Doodles CD worth £14.99 so come on - get entering now!

So for this week's challenge I asked the fabulous Doodle Dollies to use the new Not For Girls CD which is a fabulous resource for all those Men's cards and projects you want to make. I'm quite proud of this collection because I think it offers something a bit different to all the other male stuff out there, particularly where cards are concerned.  When we launched this on Create and Craft I demo'd a "Burger and Chips" card - sounds weird, huh? But it is pretty cool and I can't believe how many of you have actually made your own versions of that project - I think there are men all over the world getting burgers through the post as we speak, LOL!  Anyway, enough waffling, onto the wonderful creations from the team this week.  So they had to use Not For Girls, a Rubber Stamp and they also had to do a bit of a doodle too (must've been feeling mean that day, haha!)  so here you go...

made by Ruth....I LOVE this fab card from Ruth, this is what I mean by simple but perfect, lovin' that string girl!...

made by a Scooter Girl myself she won me over with this one, LOL!...


created by Saskia...Very cute! Saskia has used one of the Brick Lane papers and combined the Tweets with 'Tude with stamps from our Daisy Doodles collection, I love thos floaty little leaves, they're fab...

created by Kath....the Tweets with 'Tude sure are popular! Love how Kath has turned this into a crimbo card and the use of the music paper is does rock, Kath!...

made by Kris...Here Kris has taken one of the cool toppers and combined it with buttons and alphabets from the CD, her doodling is all those stripes in the background...great card Kris...

created by Claire...Claire sure loves to doodle! I think she is addicted to these fab robots! A great gatefold card and she's made her brads look like screws. I really like the way Claire does this kind of doodling by using both black and white pens, it looks great and I WILL be stealing it! lol!...

Created by Boni...Boni's gone for a more classic look here using the Jazz and distressed piano papers, 2 of our faves. The message is also on the CD too and she's added a little embellie for some this...

Created by Enfys...You can tell an En card a mile off ,I think! I love this card, it's so funny - those little Tweet Dudes have deffo been the most popular collection with the Team I think, and putting her brads on the tree is just plain clever...but then our En is always a very clever girl isnt she...just love it...

made by Sue has used the fab tickets from the CD together with a great text backing paper and topper. For her doodling she's used one of the doodle stamps from the Daisy Doodles collection (if you don't have these yet I think they're a must-have, they are SO versatile) and her 3 little stars are brads...fab card...

So as the saying goes, that's it Folks! another week over and another challenge for you to get your teeth into - that's if you have any teeth left after all that trick or treating!   Don't forget there's a free CD on offer for the winner!!
See  you next week xxx


  1. I didn't realise that there was a limit on the number of challenges you could enter with each card. I think the theme of Halloween appeared on every challenge blog last week so it made sense to combine challenges - well it did to me.

    Sorry if this was not the done thing.

    Won't do it again.
    Ann xxx

  2. Thankyou Nikki so much! I saw you make the burgers and chips, what super fab creation, well done and thankyou for a prize, I've emailed you... many thanks!

  3. Wonderful work by the DT again this week. They really never miss, do they? Such a talented bunch.

    HERE's my card for this week.

  4. Wonderful crafting. My card is here x

  5. Hi Girls,

    HERE is my take on the Challenge!

    Susie xx

  6. Hi girls,

    Great challenge and love all the DT work !!!
    Finally I had the time to join again.
    There's my take on the challenge.

    Thanks for looking,

    Peggy xx

  7. Hope I got this right! Loved all the inspiration so different from each other, excellent work. My card is here

  8. Hi Ladies fab creations you've done and a great challenge just what i needed this month too a male card Here is my entry.
    Thanks for looking:)
    Hugzz Val xxx

  9. here's mine

    Wow great cards from the DT again! Thanks for looking at my effort.

  10. Great cards DT!
    here's mine:
    ... Joyful Stamper: Have a Grrrrrrrreat Birthday!
    Thanks for the challenge! ...and increasing the challenge limit!
    Blessings, Maria

  11. Fab DT cards, my entry for this week is here Thankyou for looking!

  12. Great DT Cards again, keep up coming! Here's my entry


    Sal xx

    P.S. Could someone tell me how to enter my blog address as a hyperlink instead of text it will be greatly appreicated LOL

  13. Hi all
    This is my first time doing your challenge looked like fun so I thought I would play along.....
    here is my card
    Thanks Wanda

  14. WOW, loving this. What are the odds that I needed to put together a Guy card at the same time as a GUY challenge? Thanks for letting me play this week!!

    There is my card for the GUY CARD

  15. Hi just back from holiday in time to join in the fun this week
    Heres my card

    loving all the dt inspiration
    ju x

  16. What fab and colourful cards but I like to keep it simple here's my card hope its not too simple Julye

  17. Hi Girls, what a great challenge this week. Fab DT cards as usual. You can see my card here. Hugs, Denise x

  18. Great Challenge this week.
    You can find my entry for challenge # 24 over on my blog.

  19. i just realised that i have missed the deadline , but i thought you might like to see it anyway

    here's mine


Team Doodle loves to see your comments so let us know what you are up to!