Thursday 13 August 2009

craft craft craft!

Feels like I am consumed by craft this week!
Not that I'm not every week, but somehow it feels especially so this week for some reason, maybe cos I'm in Crimbo mode now having just finished the new CD, it's made me want to make yummy stuff. But, who am I to complain, no wayyyy Mrs, let me at that stash (note to self: shouldnt brag about being in a crafty mood when u havent made a card for the challenge, hmmmph). We are still mid holiday season over at Team Doodle Towers but the girls are returning all bronzed and chilled and, on your behalf, we who've been left behind are making sure we whip 'em back into making cards pronto a la Speedy Gonzales. And lets face it, they never let us down do they.
Before I forget, don't miss Create and Craft on Monday morning (17th August) at 9am for the opportunity to have a good laugh at yours truly making her usual gaffs and cockups, I promise not to try and be clever with the ribbon this time, it never works live on air. It's also a great opportunity for those of you who have bought the CD's to record the show and then you can view all the fab samples the girls have made, there are lots on there which aren't online yet.

Well, the Doodle Dollies and yours truly had a few technical traumas this week and Mr Blogger almost locked us out of the blog thinking we were spammers (or maybe they thought we were spanners, LOL!)(I think it might have been my swearing that caused this, it usually is) so we had a minor panic on our hands which we're hoping is sorted now. I think living with Frank Spencer is rubbing off on me as well, I've had a few near misses this week with various other things, and nearly ended up judging the wrong challenge, eek! Right, on with the show!

The week 12 challenge was to make a card which is also a gift and we had some lovely entries.
So without further ado, the winners are:

in joint 2nd place....Dawn and Jill
and in 2st place...Dolly

Yayy! Well done to all 3 of you they were lovely creations and well deserved winners. Please email me at sales@polkadoodles for your pwizes and blinkies.
Don't forget you still have a couple of day to get your entries in for last week's challenge which is the circle card - closing date for that one is Sunday 16th Aug at noon.

Right, this week I challenged the Doodle Dollies to make a card with at least 2 folds using the Sugar Birdies CD. I think this one got them thinking a bit and I love doing cards which have more than one fold to them so I hope you will like this challenge too! Obviously there's no sketch this week, so it's up to you to work your magic hands and show us what you can do - wonder whats the most folds someone will come up with? LOL! The closing date for this challenge is Sun 23rd August at noon, so show us your goodies! The winner will receive a Sugar Birdies CD and the 2 runners up will also get something yummy too...

Ok, here's what we came up with this week, hope it gives you some inspiration, these girls are very very good indeed...

created by Claire... This card is a gorgeous shape, I'm really into making different shapes like this at the mo and they can really take your cards to another level so give it a go. I love the way Claire's used eyelets as the flower centres here...

created by Kath...nice doodling my girl! Apparently the ribbon on here has brewers droop but I don't know what that means, perhaps Kath can explain...? I love this fold, it always looks really complicated but is soo easy to do, another week another stunner...

created by Boni...what a pretty this one is! Another adorable shape and a real girlie card that would be great for any age. Lace is so popular on cards right now, come on, rejuvenate that old nicker elastic in the back of your drawers! well, ok, maybe not, go buy some instead! Boni has used the new Jingle Jangle CD here so you're getting a sneaky peek!...

created by Ruth...I think Ruth and me have the same kinda taste, I always love her creations and this is another of them...what an adorable bag, she always makes such great details, check out the beading on this...

created by! I think there are 3 folds on this one, this is a really dramatic card, this will get lots of admiring comments by the recipient I think...

created by Kris...How many folds? I think there are 5?? Anyway, a fantastic creation, again not as complicated as it looks, do the folds first and then just 2 cuts!...this is one of those folds which has been around forever but never loses its appeal, it's ever popular and there's no wonder when you can make something like this...

created by Kerry...a great idea here, love how she's tied this gatefold with the double ribbons

and finally my last minute effort (sorry about the rubbish pic) - I was making crimbo cards with the new CD ready for Monday's show so I decided to enter this one my pleating has LOADS of folds, hahahaha! So here is another sneaky peek at the new Jingle Jangles...


  1. Another week of amazing work from the DT!

    HERE's my entry for this week. hugs, eileen

  2. Great challenge and beautiful DT cards!
    Here's mine

  3. Here we go... Thanks for the challenge. :)

  4. Hi folks!
    Heres my card
    Had a few traumas making it! - but they were self-induced! LOL

  5. Great challenge, such a nice change from single fold cards! My entry is here. Thanks, Nicki

  6. here's mine

    Gorgeous DT entries. Thanks for looking at mine

  7. Great challenge !!!

    I think I have more then one fold :) !!!

    Thanks for looking !!
    You can find my card here !!!

    Peggy x

  8. Great challenge, a chance to do something different, fab work from the DT. Here's my card

  9. There are a few folds on my card but I am emailing it to you as I do not want to put it on my blog yet. It's for someone's birthday next week!
    eileen paul


Team Doodle loves to see your comments so let us know what you are up to!