Well, another busy week at Doodle Palace, oops I mean Doodle hovel if you take that filthy word we don't mention into account. Funny how other things can always take priority over the bleach and polish, think I might have to call in Kim and Aggie soon though. Still, after the last show we finally managed to ship out the last of the Jingle Jangle Crimbo backorders today and it's always a bit of a relief, I hate people having to wait to get their hands on stash it's sooo annoying. Treated myself to Copics last week but haven't even had time to play with them :( Still, they are waiting for me with all their colourful yumminess...I also have to mench this week that we now have a new forum, Polkadoodles hot gossip, which you can find here...we only launched it last week so we're a tad thin on the ground for members at the mo but the girls are all absolutely lovely and we would love it if you pop in and say hello and help us get it jiving a bit more...you can win candy this month!...
Right, the winners of the last challenge which was to follow the previous sketch were:
in 3rd place...Teri
in 2nd place...Dolly
well done girls, and our fabulous winner is Peggy with this baby...this deserved the winning accolade and if you don't normally go look at the winners entries you really do need to see this one, I love neverending cards but I've never actually made one myself, any of you who know me know I don't do that measuring thing and my patience would be gone within 5 minutes! So well done Peggy, I know how much effort went into this one girl, and it's a well-deserved win this week...could you all email me for your blinkies and pwize pleeeez...
Anyway, this week we have another sketch challenge for you again and once more, some stunning Design Team inspiration, I don't know where they get it from week in week out... So here is the sketch and the rules...

Now, we have a special guest designer in September, yaaayyyyyy Ruth is taking the screen and giving me a break! So next week Ruth will be setting the challenge and she's a hard task-master I can tell ya, she keeps me on the straight and narrow that's for sure! So in celebration of Ruth's first week in the chair there will be some extra candy for the challenge winner.
Right on with the show! Here are this week's entries from those gorgeous girls on Team Doodle, they had to use the sketch and also could only use the Candy Doodles CD...
created by Enfys...I love En's style and ideas and this baby is just adorable, those polkadot stars are SO striking! She's used one of my fave papers here which are the banners, I've had a good play with those and they're really versatile...

created by Ruth...proof that keeping it plain and simple = gorgeous, Ruth always manages to make her flowers look stunning and yet again - stunning! These look mega expensivo I think...