Friday 7 August 2009

...round and round we go...

Yippeeee it's that time of week again! I think I am a bit stirrr crazy this week, cooped up designing at lastminute.doodles as usual heheh. Have had a bit of an eventful one this week with a sad death in the family, a fridge door episode and now a sudden giant crack in the bath which I'm getting blamed for due to my fat lardy backside. tut. And headaches and bad hair days galore, what joy. Anyway, to hell with the headaches I am munching a Mars bar as I speak and will suffer the consequences later. Now you know why there is the crack in the bath. tee hee!
Right on with business!

First of all this week I have to say a massivo welcome to our 3 new Doodlers, Kris, Claire and Boni...wahahaaaay girls, welcome welcome, what have you let yourself in for! hahah! The newbies have done us proud this week and we know we made a good choice - mind you, they've been a little quiet so far but I have no doubt that will soon change! If you haven't checked out their blogs yet then you need to get on over there, links are on the sidebar.

I also need to just mench that we are back on Create and Craft TV on Monday 17th August at 9am (OMG that's like a 4am start for us to do that, eeeek!!!) when we will be launching our brand new Crimbo CD Jingle Jangle Christmas. You can actually pre-order this from our website right now if you want to make sure you get your mitts on it first, as we think it might be another big seller again.

Well, last week's challenge sketch seemed very popular and I have to say it is a format well used by moi, I find it quite a useful format. As always it was pretty hard to choose the winners this week but we had to do it and the lucky peeps are:

in joint 2nd place - Raindropecho and Cornish Mist
and our winner for this week isJo! Yayyy well done to all 3 of you! Pleeeese email me for your pwizes (

Right, this week we have another sketch for you and I'm sorry but I love love love circle cards, so here ya go...

So here's what the teamies came up with this week, some fab creations I think this week, what a treat and lots of inspiration here I think. The closing date for this one is Sunday 16th August at noon GMT. You can also see a fabulous tutorial for this sketch and another idea from Lou, who is our Guest Designer for August, so if you're struggling with this one make sure you check out Lou's fab idea here. Right, let's get on with the show...

created by Krista....spoookeeee! Krista's used the Polly on the ladders from Candy Doodles and used the circle as the moon, way to go Krista hun! Love the thinking on this one and in nice and early for Halloween too (if you're thinking about Halloween too make sure you checkout the Polly Halloween download bundle on the website, there will be more sneaky peeks of that coming soon from the DT I'm sure!)...

created by! the team all LOVED the colours Claire used here and I like the way she's used the circle but has just used it on top of a normal card without the cutout shape. Those colour combo's have made this such a bright and cheerful card and she's been busy with her markers too...
created by Boni...I love this. Boni has cut the card shape using a scallop cut on her Cricut and then backed it with black, then she's used the raw edge flowers from Candy Doodles but combined the black with the Lulu collection from Sugar Birdies - lovely!...

created by! Lovely bright offering here from Kris. She's combined the flower from SB with the paper and gingham flowers from Candy Doodles and this is a great card, I LOVE what she's done on the inside here...

created by Kath...I always run out of adjectives each week when I get to Kath, her work is truly scrumpsh and I need to think of some "Kath" words I can use. Well, it's just, just, it's Kath! Awesome! She's used Candy Doodles papers combined with one of my Stackie flowers and well, I am always a sucker for gingham in any form, bra, knickers, paper, ribbon, anything...
created by Enfys...some of you may have already seen this stunner on the TV shows, it always gets picked out of the samples by the presenters and there's no wonder, it's simply devine, a really unusual colour combo but it works so well! En has used the same cut as Boni here for the scallop and it works soo well...

created by Sue...dots and flowers and that lush butterfly from Candy Doodles, all my faves in one place! LOVE this one Sue, it's very simple but it works soooo well, black is awesome on cards it gives such a striking combo. If you need to make a last minute card and don't have much stash to hand you will always win if you make a black/white/pink combo, I don't know anyone who doesnt love it...

created by Saskia...I love the way Saskia has distressed the edges of her circle here, it looks great with the patchwork effect, this is such a pretty card...

created by Kerry...a fab flower effect from Kerry, those stitched layers look fab! here she's used my ditsy daisy chain papers from candy doodles and I think the flower shapes are also from the daisy collection too (you'd think I'd know wouldntcha!)

created by Ruth...I think Ruth has a thing for these distressed flower circles and she always inspires me with them, I love love love 'em! This is a really contemporary card and it works for any occasion, just lovely lovely!

So make sure you have a look at Lou's fab tutorial below and we expect to see loads of circle bags this week!! Enjoy :D
hugs from the team xxx


  1. Oh how exciting! Thanks for thinking that my card was worthy :) These are fantastic creations by the DT and I'll try to play along this week too! I've sent an email!
    - Ann

  2. great DT cards and sketch
    mine is HERE

  3. Loved the sketch - anything with a flower on is just up my street lol. Great DT creations. Here's my card.

    Lynda xxx

  4. Am loving your CDs - so this is another reason to enter your challenge!
    Grrrrreat sketch - however I "dont do" circles but have a go anyhow!!!
    Heres my card
    Thanks for looking

  5. Love the inspiration cards.. Fab sketch.. My Entry

  6. I love the sketch , i had already made my card before i saw this weeks challenge, but i thought that the similarity to the sketch was quite uncanny -
    here's mine

  7. fun sketch and awesome DT creations again :) mine can be seen HERE

  8. here's mine

    Lovely DT entries thanks for looking at mine

  9. Great sketch!! As always the DT did a wonderful job.
    HERE's my entry.

  10. Lovely sketch as I adore making flowers so here's my entry, fingers crossed you like it.

  11. I have already posted but wanted to put 'here'
    HERE hope you don't mind me testing it out!

  12. It amazes me the craftmanship of some people! Extremely talented!


  13. Hello, I came across your blog the other day and love the challenges. I didn't use your products on my card because I don't have any "YET" haha! I took a little stroll thru your store and plan on buying some soon!

    Here is the card I made for the sketch!

  14. This was a fun one. My first Polka Doodles entry. Take a look and let me know what you think. :)

  15. Beautiful cards from everyone.

    This is my first attempt at a 'Polka Doodle' template and I've used it on a page in this Birthday Book

    Thanks for looking

  16. Loved the sketch and fab inspiration from the DT. Here's my card

  17. Great sketch, I really enjoyed doing this one, lovely lovely cards from the DT too! here's my card

    Rose xx


Team Doodle loves to see your comments so let us know what you are up to!