
Thursday 14 May 2009

hello, good evening and welcome!


We are all sooooo excited about our lovely new challenge blog we are almost wetting our frilly pants!

So here we go, I'd like to announce the amazingly fantastical awesome Polkadoodle design team, big drum roll please! .... TEAM DOODLE. Yaayyy!!! huge round of applause and much admiration all round for these bootiful peeps...

Kirsty Wiseman
Tip Top
Mad Maggie
Sue Ramsey

So, if you love to make cards, scrap or do anything remotely creative with paper and a bit of ink, make sure you check out this page every week from the
22nd May 2009
We promise we will have lots of fun and we can assure you there will be inspiration-a-plenty from the paper A-listers above!

Oh and we might have a little bit of blog candy on offer too


  1. Congratulations to the new DT, looking forward to seeing your creations soon.

  2. Sounds brill...Congratulations Saskia and the rest of the DT. I am looking forward to your first challenge. Good Luck Claire x

  3. Good Luck to all of you. Looking forward to your challenges and your Ideas.
    All the Best
    Babs xx x

  4. Wow what a line of of talented peeps you have here, can't wait to see them strut their stuff lol.

  5. Just seen your details on another blog this sounds great I will make sure to post a link and your banner on my blog.

    Lorraine x

  6. Wishing your new challenge blog lots of good luck. Sounds great. :-) Best wishes. Gez.xx

  7. Congratulations on your new adventure, and congrats to the DT.

  8. Brenda58 said...
    Love the cards, they are so cute and adorable ...I make our cards to be sent out by te church for members birthdays and the sick and then once a month I like to send one out to a member of choice to brighten their day...Just love making cards and getting different ideas and it looks like you have picked a great DT...Lve the way our blog is with the doodles and flower designs...I love to doodle as well..Can't wait for our first challenge..Yeah team!! Brenda58

  9. Love the new DT can't wait for our first the crds up so far..I make or cards for the church and once a month I pick a random person to recieve a little something extra from me, it makes me feel good that I'm sharing my talents as a gift to cheer someone up. Love the colors of the Your Blog Freddie...Cards can be a very exciting way to express yourself and a little love in each card or challenge that is given to us...I'm Ready to be challenge. LOVE LOVE LOVE the cards DT.....Wonderful job and you put grace and beauty in them as well as color.A person opening these type of cards up can you imagine their faces,something for them to be proud to show off that they got............

  10. What an absolutely beautiful collection of cards - you are all so very talented and inspirational

  11. Great Site !! Love the way you decorated your page. Looking forward to your challenges.


Team Doodle loves to see your comments so let us know what you are up to!